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Teen Services
At the library, we believe that teens are an important part of our community. Because of this belief, we have given teens a dedicated space to be themselves in our library. We also offer programming geared towards teens (12-18 years old). Contact the library for more information about any of our offerings for teens.
Do you need volunteer hours for a class?
Are you in 9-12th grade? Are you interested in becoming more involved with the library and your community? Do you need community service hours for a class or club?
You can volunteer at the library & earn community service hours. Volunteers help with a variety of jobs like shelving books, preparing for programs, helping to run children's programs, setting up for special events, and many other tasks.
If you are interested in volunteering at the library please read the volunteer policy to determine if this is the right fit for you, then fill out our application and return to the Youth Services Librarian in person or via email to cpotts@rcls.org.
New volunteers are required to attend at least one Teen Advisory Group (TAG) meeting prior to the start of their volunteer service. TAG meets only once a month, so do not leave your service hours for the last minute.
Teen Advisory Group
Teen Advisory Group (TAG) gives local teens a chance to have a voice in their community. Teens who get involved with TAG will give input on materials and programs that they'd like to see at the library. TAG members will also have opportunities to sneak peak new video games, board games, and collection items. Active members will earn community service hours. This is a great addition to any college application or resume!
TAG meets quarterly on the 2nd Thursday of the month. Check the Teen event calendar here to find the next meeting.
The Novel Bunch
Do you like trivia? Are you an avid reader? Do you enjoy prizes and fun? You should join our Battle of the Books team! Join us as we prepare to compete in the Ramapo Catskill Library System's book-trivia competition. We meet weekly and new members are always welcome!
Contact the Children's Room (845)794-4660 ext. 5 for a list of the books and information about practice sessions.
Image courtesy of Nick Youngson at nyphotographic.com
Do you have a research assignment due for school and need help finding the right sources? Our Youth Services Librarian can help. Stop in to chat about your project and see how we can help you find the sources you need. We have set aside the third Monday of each month from 4-7pm to help with all your research needs, but you can stop by any time with questions.
Journal articles are a great place to start your research. We have access to a number of databases that compile journal articles on every topic. If you need help learning how to search these databases, stop in and ask. We are here to help.
Using internet sources? Not every website is appropriate for academic research. Click here to learn how to tell them apart.
Test Prep
We have guides to help you study for the SAT, ACT, Catholic High School Entrance Exam, and more! And don’t forget, you can go directly to the College Board’s website for free SAT practice exams.
More Library Resources for Teens
Virtual Suggestion Box
Do you wish the library had a specific series, movie, or game? Do you have an awesome idea for a teen program that you and your friends would love? How about a book you would love to have us order? Leave us a suggestion below!
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