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Meet Bert’s Scratch Map!

Pick Up Bert at the Children’s Desk. Travel with Bert. Take a Photo. Post to your Social Media with the hashtag #BertAroundtheWorld. We’ll Scratch the Map and add the photo you took to our board.

Help Bert keep traveling!

Ethelbert Baldwin Crawford aka Bert is the real life person the library is named after! His mother, Estelle Crawford, funded the library in his honor. Ethelbert loved both painting and traveling. He studied painting in NY City with some famous Impressionist Artists and today you can see some of his art in the library. Most of his paintings are of places he saw in his travels.

So where has Bert traveled? In the U.S we know he was born in New York State and has been to Pennsylvania, Colorado and Maine. Bert also traveled extensively in world countries and cities from Paris to Scotland and Japan.

One night while traveling by train in Scotland, the bridge they were on collapsed and the train car went into the water. For his bravery in helping get people out of the train car, Bert was awarded a medal by the mayor.

Bert loved to travel and while we don't know all the places he visited Bert would like to travel more. So....

For More History on Bert, Go To About Us > History

You and your family can sign out one of our Bert's, pictured here, to take on a trip with you.

During your trip,take a photo or two of Bert to share with us. Use the hashtag #BertAroundtheWorld if you also post on social media. Then return Bert to the library when you get back.

Every time Bert travels, we will scratch off the location on our map and add the photo you took.

Let's see how many places Bert can travel this summer!