Learn how to prepare a delectable pork tenderloin stuffed with sundried tomatoes, spinach and mozzarella cheese compliments of your public library's virtual platform. Chef Rob started out teaching cooking classes in person at libraries all across Long Island and has more recently started teaching those same cooking classes online all over NYS and has expanded to teaching them all over the world! chef Rob He will be following up his main dish by teaching participants how to make a tasty loaf of cinnamon swirl chocolate chip bread.
Tonight’s Zoom information:
Chef Rob is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: EthelBert B Crawford Library- Chef Rob’s February 18th Program
Time: Feb 18, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 9089 5916
Passcode: 761958
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Meeting ID: 842 9089 5916
Passcode: 761958
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kuQZIUQI8
For recipes and information on how to register, click here.