Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2017
Approved October 19, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Lynn Skolnick. Members present included Sari Rosenheck, Marcia Raponi, Connie Keller, Steve Sharoff, Marvin Rappaport and Chris Covello.
Lynn called for a motion to approve the minutes of August 17th. Marcia moved to accept the minutes as presented. Marvin seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Note left by a patron mentioning that the Library was too noisy.
Lynn writing personal Thank You notes to all paver donors.
Voucher Approval
July vouchers
Motion to approve by Christine, 2nd by Marvin. Passed.
August vouchers
Motion to approve by Marcia, 2nd by Lynn. Passed.
Bills to be Paid
Motion to approve made by Sari, 2nd by Marvin. Passed.
Committee Reports
o The Friends have raised almost $30,000 toward $50,000 fundraising goal
o Lynn will handle plaques for benches and glass window.
o Check was cut for $65,000 for Landscaping from Capital Account.
o Danielle has a graphic design background and will be designing the Kiosk panels. She will be paid as a contractor for this work.
· Fundraising
o An event to mark the completion of Phase 2. Tentatively: Sat., Nov. 4th.
o Jim Price – boy scout troop leader – has an eagle scout looking at doing his project by building us a storage shed. Mary Paige to meet with them.
o Mary Paige is submitting an application for a NYS Library Construction grant for the outdoor stage and additional outdoor lighting – a part of the next landscaping phase.
· Programming Committee
All programs through winter, starting in November, are to begin at 6pm. We will revisit this and evaluate for the future.
· Friends
Steve attended last Friends meeting.
Fundraising was discussed.
Clarification of raffle prizes/issues @ Ciao Bella
· Buildings and Grounds
o Vera Chair could be deemed a ‘Literary Landmark’; we’re looking into applying:
Discussion is being had with her publisher about the application fee.
o Book Drop
§ Cold or hot breeze from outside.
§ Building vulnerable due to access through the book drop.
§ Numerous issues to be addressed, as per Marcia’s report.
· Paint touched up
· Cushion in children’s room (color that won’t show)
· Ceiling fixtures need to be cleaned
· Heat gathers above closet
· Cornering re: paint
· Projector wall (molding and trim, bowing in Community room)
· Floating floor on Broadway entrance
· Elevator has ceiling tile coming down
· Umbrella stand rusty and dirty (Constable Cleaners)
· See Marcia’s report for additional
· Construction Grant through RCLS
o Marvin made motion, Connie 2nd. Approved
· Director’s Report
o 10/28/17 10:30-noon Dollard Bench
o 11/4/17 11am Opening Phase 2 Project
§ Flyer needed to invite donors
§ 11/5/17 Daylight Savings Time
§ 11/15-11/21 Friends of the Library Week
· Honoring Karen Crumly 6:30-7:30 10/17
· Refreshments by BOT Marcia and Sari
o Soy and DiFilippis
o Cheese and fruit platters
o Flowers
o Old Business
§ Budget Vote 10/12/17
· Budget increase offset by transfer of funds
o Up $17,073 Up 1.5%
§ Marcia moved to take $10,000 from Capital Fund to offset the increase in the Tax Levy. Connie 2nd. Proposed 2018 budget transfer amount approved.
§ Trustees Sari and Marcia up for re-election
o Both running unopposed
· Credit Card Policy
o Marvin motioned to approve, 2nd by Sari.
o Policy is approved
NYS Library Construction Grant Application Approval. A motion was made by Sari and seconded by Lynn to approve the application being submitted for an outdoor stage and additional outdoor lighting in line with the following conditions outlined by RCLS:
The Ramapo Catskill Library System (RCLS) Board of Trustees views your application as a commitment by your Board of Trustees to proceed with the project as submitted. If after the application is approved your Library experiences extreme mitigating circumstances that make it impossible to proceed with the project we would take that issue into consideration. Such circumstances do not include a change in Board priorities or withholding promised matching funds.
Libraries that withdraw their projects after the RCLS Board has approved the project and funds have been allocated place a hardship on other member library applicants, RCLS, the Division of Library Development (DLD) and NYS Legislative Members in your district.
Since this Construction Grant program was established in 2006 the allocation of Grant funds awarded to RCLS have been insufficient to meet the maximum match allowed under the Grant criteria for the eligible member library projects submitted. As a result the RCLS Board of Trustees passed a resolution that would prohibit any member, which withdraws its project after it was approved, from applying for a Construction Grant for a period of five years.
Therefore, we are requiring an assurance that your Library Board of Trustees is committed to completing the project applied for as submitted.
The following language, required by DLD, was also part of the motion:
The construction grant application and accompanying documents for this public library construction grant are administered in accordance with the requirements of Education Law s273-a (as Amended by Chapter 57 of the Laws of 2007) and Commissioner’s Regulations s90.12 and was read and duly adopted by the Board of Trustees at this legal meeting.
Steve Sharoff had left; the remaining trustees all voted unanimously in favor of the motion.
Lynn Skolnick signed the RCLS Assurance Letter and the Grant application assurances.
o Next Meeting: Time Change: 5:15pm 10/19/17
Marvin moved for adjournment, Sari 2nd. Meeting adjourned 7:46pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sari Rosenheck