Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library

September 15, 2016 Trustee Meeting Minutes

Approved 10/20/16

Trustees in at 5:30 for Budget discussion with public.  No one attended from the public.

The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by President Lynn Skolnick. Members present included Lynn Skolnick, Marvin Rappaport, Sari Rosenheck, Marcia Raponi, Steve Sharoff, Connie Keller and Chris Cavello.

We met our new Tech employee, Connor Scott who stopped by to say hi.

Lynn called for a motion to approve the minutes of August 18, 2016. Marcia moved to accept the minutes as presented. Steve seconded the motion.  A vote was taken and passed unanimously.

Steve approved the vouchers for bills to be paid, Marvin seconded motion to approve vouchers. Connie moved to pay all bills, Marcia seconded and it passed unanimously.


Mary Paige received an email from John Greenbaum, President of the Monticello Rotary.  He is suggesting working with Rotary through quarterly (at most) programming of interest to Rotarians to support the library and Broadway eateries. 

Committee Reports (see director’s report)

·         Programming Committee

1.      Diversity of programs was discussed.

2.      Possibly needing a PR person for Flyers, etc.

1.      Volunteers?

3.      TH Record needs 2 weeks’ notice.

4.      Democrat and River Reporter already have our info.

5.      We have a great increase in both programming and attendance at our events.

6.      Possible programs for the future:

1.      Chess

2.      Understanding Medicare

3.      Computer for beginners

4.      Writer’s Group

5.      Book Club

·         Ethelbert Tribute

1.      25 Pictures picked up for cleaning & restoration

2.      Karen Rapp (Newman Signs) is designing and fabricating the Ethelbert Panel

·         Director’s Report

1.      Friends of Library Week (10/16/16 – 10/22/16)  The board of trustees is honoring Helen Rados and James Goldfarb Tuesday evening, 10/18/166:30-7:30

2.      Unveiling the Ethelbert panel & the hanging of his artwork in the new library:  Wednesday, 10/26/166:30-7:30

3.      Power Point should be looping for events; refreshments

4.      Story Walk and Chair in the reading Garden:  11/5/16 tentative time:  1:30 p.m.

5.      Gail Green will attend theNovember board meeting to review capital financing/DASNY financial reports & construction funds.

·         Landscaping

1.      Marcia discussed the etched slates for donors.

2.      Thermometer to chart progress discussed.

3.      Next meeting of Landscaping Committee:  10/6/16 at 10:30 a.m.

·         Old Business

1.      Connor will work toward setting up a spot on the library website for Trustees to access their board documents and information

·         Strategic Plan

1.      Meeting set for 11/2/16 9:30-11am

·         Budget

1.      Marvin made a motion for up to $5,000 for the restoration of Ethelbert’s paintings and creation of the Ethelbert Panel.  Connie seconded.  It passed unanimously.

·         New Business

1.      Bids not yet done; 5 vendors each.

1.      Propane, cleaning, snow, landscaping.

2.      Marcia received a call from a local person who tried to call the Library from info on #411, info inaccurate.

Motion to adjourn by Marvin; at 7:19pm.  Seconded by Marcia; unanimous approval.

Next meeting:  10/20/16 at 6pm.


Respectfully submitted by Sari Rosenheck, Secretary