Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library

Trustee Meeting Minutes — September 17, 2015

Approved November 19, 2015

The September 17, 2015 meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m.

Marcia Raponi moved to accept the minutes of August as presented.  Marvin seconded the motion.  It passed unanimously.  Steve Sharoff audited the bills to be paid. Connie moved to pay all bills as presented, and this was seconded by Sari Rosenheck.

 Committee Reports

Strategic Planning

With all the business involved in the opening, we have postponed the Strategic Plan until the October meeting.  This meeting will be held on October 22 at the new library at 6:00 p.m.

Director’s Report

·         Things are being cleaned out of the attic in 393. 

·         Personnel evaluations have been postponed until later.                                              

·         A schedule of town board and village board meetings was given out to encourage board members to attend them whenever possible.                                                

·         The restoration of the clock is progressing. Signage is being selected for handicapped spots saying that these are specifically reserved for library patrons only.

·         Punch list needs to note that the floor in the community room is wavy.

·         Mary Paige has been in contact with the village manager about the run-off from the municipal parking lot.

·         ADA requirements are not being met.  Currently the side exterior door will bump the handi-capped person.  This will need to be taken care of.

·         There is a concern about the need for security for approximately 2 hours a day for 5 days.  It amounts to about 10 hours a week.  We have female employees and this presents a concern.

·         Sneak Peek is Wednesday, October 7, from 5 to 7 p.m.

·         Elections and budget vote are next Thursday


The RCLS budget was presented.   It is currently using down its surplus and the members will be picking up the increased payments for service fees.  Their budget hearing is Sept. 24, at Liberty Library.

Having no further business the meeting closed at 7:25.  The next public meeting is October 22, at 6p.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Epstein