Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes— August 18, 2016
Approved September 15, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 6:09 pm by President Lynn Skolnick. Other members present included Connie Keller, Marcia Raponi and Steve Sharoff. Absent were Sari Rosenheck , Marvin Rappaport and Christine Cavello.
Lynn called for a motion to approve the minutes of July 21, 2016. Marcia moved to accept the minutes as presented, Steve seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Connie approved the vouchers for bills to be paid and moved to pay all bills presented. Marcia seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Lynn explained budget. Steve moved to accept 2017 budget as presented, seconded by Connie. Motion passed unanimously. Marcia moved to use $8,000 from sale of building to offset budget, seconded by Steve. Motion passed unanimously.
Connie moved to transfer $25,000 from capital fund toward landscaping for outside garden, seconded by Marcia. Motion carried unanimously.
No public comment.
Correspondence received this month: Thank you from Ralph Cherry, Quartermaster of Post 9588 in memory of Carl Buckstad and correspondence from comptroller’s office re tax cap for 2016. MP received compliment from patron for exemplary performance by Johanna, Peggy and Theresa.
Programming Committee – this committee has done exceptional work. A great variety of programs scheduled, more to be announced. During month of July 2016 (programs or program attendance) increased 240%. Need to reach out to more diverse communities, do more advertising. When hired possibly “IT” person can take this over.
Personnel committee met and presented their recommendation for 2017.
Policy committee did not meet this month.
Ethelbert B. Crawford Tribute ongoing, working with Karen Rapp on panel.
Landscaping –working on fundraising ideas for outdoor space/garden. Possibilities - quilt raffle,(Calico geese) , “old mailbox” decoratedfor donations, thermometer to show progress, use of tiles/pavers. Possible local part time person to assist Michael Haas not hired yet. Next meeting August31stat 2:30 pm.
Director’s Report: See attached report.
Library won $2,000 for second place in Sullivan Renaissance for our Vera B. Williams chair/flower garden. CONGRATULATIONS to all!
Rethinking Books and Brews. Not reaching the targeted audience.
Friends of Library hosting 3- part brew series: coffee, tea and beer as fund raiser. Please support.
Framed photos of Bob Norris and trustees at ribbon cutting ceremony donated by Marvin and Denise Rappaport. Credit given to Jonathan Hyman, photographer & S. Morantz Gallery for framing. Thank you - they look super.
Budget vote and election to fill two trustee positions on October 13, 2016 from 3 to 8PM. Petitions available at library. Lynn and Christine are running for re-election.
Lynn moves we adopt capitalization policy with $3,000 limit. Second by Connie; passed unanimously.
RCLS legislative brunch to be held 9/16/2016 at Bear Mountain Inn. Invitations mailed. Please try to attend.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm through motion by Connie, seconded by Steve; all approved.
Next meeting: September 15, 2016
Respectfully submitted by Marcia Raponi