Ethelbert B. Crawford Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2017
Approved August 17, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm by President Lynn Skolnick. Other members present included Marvin Rappaport, Connie Keller, Sari Rosenheck and Marcia Raponi . Absent were Christine Cavello and Steven Sharoff.
Lynn called for a motion to approve the minutes of June 15, 2017. Marvin moved to accept the minutes as presented, Lynn seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Christine had approved the vouchers for bills to be paid, and Lynn moved to accept. Connie seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Connie moved to pay all bills presented and Marvin seconded and it passed unanimously.
Correspondence received this month included a letter of support for a CFA grant the Sullivan County Planning Department/Travis North was submitting.
Lynn requested that each Trustee encourage 5 people to buy Friends of the Library ‘Taste of Sullivan County’ raffle tickets as that all trustees are also members of the Friends of the Library.
Committee Reports
Friends Committee
Marcia attended the Friends meeting and reported back that:
The Library Directors will look into a Genealogy system (i.e.
The Friends of the Garden were looking into requesting a Sullivan Renaissance maintenance grant for the library gardens.
Debi Levine will talk to the Boy Scout (Alex) to make sure books are in the Little Free Libraries.
The Friends are looking into establishing a $500 scholarship next year for students that volunteer at the library, among other things. Mary Paige is talking to a Boy Scout leader about a possible Eagle Scout project of building a ‘Seussical’ Storage/Garbage & Recyclables Shed for the Library!
Director’s Report
It was discussed to have the library’s summer calendar of events listed in the DVAA calendar.
PR was discussed and it was determined to have a blurb about the Library’s growth in numbers publicized. Marvin volunteered to write the copy.
A Friend of the Library (FOL) was chosen for recognition during Friends of the Library Week (October 15-21).
Punch List
Discussion of seeking another quote (bid) for the annual GAAP Audit.
Program Committee
Lynn had to leave at 7pm. Shortly after she left, the Fire Alarm went off in the Library, and the building was evacuated. A young boy (5 or 6 years old) had pulled the alarm out of curiosity. The Fire Department and the Monticello Police were on scene and reset the alarm pull. After several minutes outside it was determined that the BOT meeting was over at approximately 7:20pm. We adjourned by unanimous decision.
Next meeting 8/17/17.
Respectfully submitted,
Sari Rosenheck