Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes - July 26, 2016
Approved August 18, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 pm by President Lynn Skolnick. Other members present included Christine Cavello, Connie Keller, Marcia Raponi, Marvin Rappaport, Steve Sharoff and Sari Rosenheck. Lynn called for a motion to approve the minutes of June 16, 2016. Marvin moved to accept the minutes as presented, Connie seconded and motion passed unanimously. Motion for Vouchers to be paid was made by Christine, Marvin seconded. Passed unanimously. Motion to pay bills was made by Steve, Connie seconded. There was no correspondence. Adam Cavello sat in on the meeting to observe.
Committee Reports (see Director’s Reports)
Policy Committee-nothing new. Discussion on last month’s minutes—Consensus on possible money give back to public.
Programming Committee discussion on upcoming and potential events: Dios, Bill Burbich, Johnny Ciao, Shakespeare/Supernatural, Films, Genealogy. Surveys need to be done. Friday nights when there’s no programs looking to change hours to shorter. Honorarium $100
Ethelbert Tribute for next meeting, deposit not back.
Landscaping Committee $1000 grant for children’s area outside. Need 6 Cubic yards of soil. Still no person hired. 7/29 conference call for fleshing out bids with contractors. Finished before winter. MP will keep us apprised.
Director’s Report Book Lending down. Circulation numbers down, all over as per Lynn. Use of library is changing, we’re more of a community space now. Tech position was offered, wasn’t taken. 2 upcoming interviews next week. Rethink Tech position to full time? Sari made motion to make IT position Full time, seconded by Marvin. Passed unanimously.
Marvin' and Denise donated photo’s; professional prints done of Robert Norris and Ribbon Cutting. Framing done by S. Morantz Galleries.
Agreed to offset a raise in taxes, depending on what the budget turns out to be.
Capitalization Policy-approve as a group, tabled. MP will send out.
Strategic Plan Marvin, Lynn, Connie
Finance Committee No report.
Reminder that the Fall Election will take place from 3-8pm Thursday 10/13/16
Marvin made motion to adjourn, Seconded by Sari. Adjourned 7:35pm. Next meeting 8/18/16
Respectfully Submitted by Sari Rosenheck