Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes July 16, 2015
Approved August 20, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m. by President Lynn Skolnick. Members present included Lynn Skolnick, Marcia Raponi, Sari Rosenheck, Steven Sharoff, Marvin Rappaport, and Connie Keller. Terry Epstein was not present.
Marcia moved to accept the minutes from the June meeting. Marvin seconded. There was no discussion and the motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment
James Goldfarb was in attendance to update on the coordination of the packing and moving to the new location. He is helping to empty the attic & coordinate the move. 3 big chairs in Mary Paige’s office went to the Federation, and there will be offerings to other non-profits in our service area and libraries as well as auctioning of items and selling at the book sale - lamps, chairs, etc, by the Friends. James will track where items go, with their value. James asked to have young folks help to pack and unpack for book sale. James said the food for the ribbon cutting will come from Center for Discovery.
Voucher Approval
The bills to be paid were audited by Sari. Connie made a motion to pay all bills as presented. Marvin seconded and having no discussion, it was passed unanimously. Connie and Marcia signed checks.
Director’s Report
See the Director’s Report.
Discussion of placard for Bob in Community Room using fronts of Card Catalog drawers – somehow adding donor names.
Record-keeping and the move – believe libraries don’t need to keep documents if projects are not happening. Mary Paige to look into how long things need to be saved.
Mary Paige shared that a staff dress code was put in place at the beginning of July.
Staff trip planned to Bannerman Castle late Summer/early Fall.
The library is included in the approved Microgrid project submitted for the Village.
Delay in press release for the community survey due to getting Spanish translation completed.
Nominating 2014 Zombie Survival Kit program for tweens/teens for RCLS Youth program of the Year.
Remember to vote for the Logo contest (online). We will be adopting the logo that wins the contest but may ask Brenda to tweak as needed. Lynn mentioned Joanna has established a good working relationship with the local schools, so the vote will be final.
Lynn mentioned the summer programs and that the last one with John Conway was overflowing with attendees. Board members should take turns introducing presenters to public. Is there Intellectual Copyright on lectures or can we record? Lynn will talk with John Conway.
Lynn mentioned great picture of the new library in the Sullivan County Democrat.
Mary Paige said the contractors aren’t on site daily anymore and she has to coordinate with them to get in the new building. Insurance is not changed over yet, as it’s still through the contractors. When they’re completely done we take over the insurance. Date – tbd.
The alarm system is ready to go, Mary Paige will get the key and turn it on asap.
Fencing is to go up where the rocks and boards are – until drainage issues from the Village lot are addressed..
There was discussion re: Brian Fogerty and the suggestion of security for nights when the library will be open.
There will be a window treatment meeting on Friday, 7/24 at 10:30am. Marcia will be in attendance; Sari will try to attend. Steve asked about the windows and shelving. Brad will cut the apron, and will be comfortable if adjustment is needed.
Copy machine maintenance contract discussion. Steve asked re: bids and leasing. Mary Paige will ask for proposals.
Friends will hold a sneak peek 10/7/15 and will do PR prior to event. Lynn can be there on 9/25.
Lynn will be writing something for Bob for Grand Journal for the Ribbon-Cutting
Discussion re: brick cleaning; Marcia wants them cleaned, Mary Paige will remind contractor at next meeting 7/23.
The parts for the Mickey Mouse clock repair don’t require a down payment. $945 collected thus far; will cost approximately $2,500 to restore (clock works and monitored). Marcia said we can have it in 1-2 weeks.
Friends assisting with appeal for clock repair funds. Gordon MacAdam has asked to help. Assorted people will ask public for donations. Jayne Benmoshe will also be raising money for clock. No decision related to any placards for clock.
Proposals for phones for the new library were discussed. Board decided to proceed with getting all new phones instead of original plan to carry over existing 6 and get 3 more of same in new bldg.. Steve said we should get new phones for library; something Marvin had inquired about.
Mary Paige submitted the balance due on the GAAP Audit this month – an additional $5,000. We need to send more money from library capital fund; monies to move from library capital fund to DASNY for payment toward items added back into the project.
Received letter that we will be receiving $5,000 from John Bonacic. Mary Paige proposed that it be put toward programming in the new library though it is unclear when it will be received from the letter.
Mary Paige working closely with John Schneider at RCLS to get technology in place.
9/1/15 Newsletter regarding the new library. Board should write something before mid Aug.
Election is Wed 9/23/15. The Library will close beginning Monday, September 28th. Ribbon cutting on Sunday, 10/18/15 at 1pm. Friends to serve wine and cheese at October 7th Sneak Peek.
There was discussion regarding the election for seats: Three 3 year term seats and one 1 year term seat.
2016 Budget not done yet—Special meeting first week in Aug?
Gardens and Bike rack discussion – looking at participating in Bike Share program – now just at the Federation. We hope to be the second location with others coming on board. Robert Sywalski is spearheading this effort. As per Robert the Federation holds the liability for the Bike Share program.
Ebooks stats from 2014 were incorrectly produced by OverDrive. RCLS said something was wrong. 2014 growth was less than reported, but still growing.
Lynn discussed Line transfer and shared purchasing with other libraries. Mary Paige requested a budget transfer of $5,000 into the Ebook budget line from the Book budget line. Steve made this motion, Marvin seconded, passed unanimously.
Went into Executive Session to discuss matters of contract by motion made by Marcia, seconded by Steve, at 7:10pm.
Came out of Executive Session by motion made by Sari, seconded by Steve at 7:35pm.
Social Media Policy and Strategic Plan to be discussed at next regular meeting.
Lynn said budget info should be sent to the BOT prior to 8/6/15, 6pm.
AUD report – not yet filed.
Lynn brought up the subject of giveaways for opening and suggested pens and bookmarks. Marcia discussed totes.
Board will place ad in Journal (history of library). Friend’s journal ads are due by 9/24/15. Amy Kristt has kindly agreed to do journal. Full page ad $150, Covers $200. Color will be more.
Motion to adjourn by Sari; seconded by Marcia at 7:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sari Rosenheck