Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library

Trustee Meeting Minutes

June 15, 2017

Approved July 20, 2017


The meeting was called to order at 6:04 by President Lynn Skolnick. Members present included Marvin Rappaport, Connie Keller and Christine Cavello.  Absent were Marcia Raponi, Steve Sharoff and Sari Rosenheck.

Lynn called for a motion to approve the minutes of May 18, 2017.  Marvin moved to accept the minutes as presented, Connie seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.  Marvin approved the vouchers for bills to be paid and moved to accept.  Connie seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Marvin moved to pay bills presented and Connie seconded and it passed unanimously.

Public Comment: None

Correspondence received this month was a thank you from the Women’s Bar Association of Orange and Sullivan Counties for using our meeting room.


Landscaping- has not met but will set a date soon.

Karen Crumley from the Friends of the Library has received 2 purchases for pavers via Pay Pal.

Continue to put flyers around town to encourage the purchase of items for the outdoor space.

Breaking ground middle of next week.


·       Going with WJFF for advertising before and after each show.

·       John Conway doing a program on 11/3.

·       Summer is filled with programs.

·       Continue working on finding programs for the months of September, October, and November.


MCSD Sports Photos/Memorabilia Committee (New)

·       Marvin will chair the committee.  Members Connie, Sari and possibly Steve.

·       Will be working on the August 31st exhibition to display athlete’s pictures from the old Monticello Middle School.

The Town of Bethel wants us to send our calendar so they can put it on their webpage.  Maybe Connor can send to all town boards.

Directors Report (see attached)

In 2018 possible year-round hours change would be that the library would stay open Monday-Thursday until 8:00 pm and only close 6:30 on Fridays.

The community room is being utilized a lot, which is a positive benefit of the new library having a community room.

Monticello Farmers Market on Mondays from 11a-2p.  The library will have a table there each week through September 12th.  We will offer a mini story time & craft for kids.  There are some child/adult books to check out with the RCLS mobile circ. unit; some weeded books to purchase.  One book was sold.

Old Business

Punch list

·       Get assessment of wet spot downstairs above the front windows.  Worried about the spot causing more problems in the future.

·       Fundraising

·       Marvin will visit Kiwanis.

·       Need someone to go to Elks.

Budget Adjustment

·       Personnel committee needs to meet.  Lynn will email committee and set a date and time before the next board meeting.


Motion to adjourn at 7:24 by Marvin, seconded by Connie and passed unanimously.


Next meeting 7/20/17


Submitted by, Christine Cavello