Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes—DRAFT
June 16, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Lynn Skolnick. Other members present included Christine Cavello, Connie Keller, Marcia Raponi and Marvin Rappaport. Absent were Sari Rosenheck and Steve Sharoff.
Lynn called for a motion to approve the minutes of May 19, 2016. Connie moved to accept the minutes as presented, Marvin seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Lynn approved the vouchers for bills to be paid and moved to pay all bills presented. Marcia seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. No correspondence received this month and no public comment.
Committee Reports (see also Director’s Report)
Policy Committee did not meet this month.
Program Committee found excellent ideas for programming in the publication Delaware & Hudson CANVAS(link to their website: ) . We are trying to contact several speakers/entertainers who are appearing in neighboring communities to ask if they would also present at EBCPL. We will send our list of upcoming programs to CANVAS to be included going forward.
Ethelbert Tribute on hold at this time. Lynn will chair going forward and try to move it along to fruition. We are inventorying his paintings to determine which of the more than 150 paintings the library will keep and display and the others will be returned to his relatives in Mast Hope, PA.
Landscaping Committee is considering hiring a part-time person to assist Michael Haas, our non-resident landscape architect. We are also looking at hiring a part-time handy man for miscellaneous chores around the facility.
Over 600 new patrons/library cards issued since we opened the new facility last fall.
The Minnie Feldman annual lecture will be presented in two installments by John Conway as Walking Tours of Broadway during the summer programming series. Letter has been written to Marc Feldman seeking family approval of proceeding with publicity.
Connie moved to give Mary Paige authority to use the online banking security token. Seconded by Marcia and adopted without dissent.
Now that the old library building has been sold, discussion was had on how the proceeds of the sale will be allocated. A consensus favored returning a portion to the taxpayers in reducing future operating budgets. Will check with counsel on any stipulations as to how that needs to be done.
Bylaws discussion was tabled until the September meeting.
Finance Committee discussed capitalization policy and deciding on the threshold for depreciating new equipment. Up to $25,000 was designated for conduit, cement pads for benches and sculptures and additional lighting (bollard & otherwise) in the outdoor area, etc.
Board approved moving ahead with Staff Team-Building Exercise in Fall 2016. The library will close for a full day. May take place off-site.
Reminder that the Fall Election will take place from 3-8 pm on Thursday, October 13, 2016.
Motion to adjourn at 7:26 pm by Marvin, seconded by Marcia and passed.
Next meeting 7/21/16. Respectfully submitted by Marvin Rappaport