Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes
Approved at July 16, 2015 Trustee Meeting
The June meeting of the Crawford Library was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Lynn Skolnick.
In attendance: Marcia Raponi, Terry Epstein, Steve Sharoff, Connie Keller and Sari Rosenheck. Absent: Marvin Rappaport
Sari Rosenheck moved to accept the minutes of the May 21 meeting. It was seconded by Marcia Raponi. Having no opposition, it passed unanimously.
Sari moved to approve the Strategic Plan. Connie seconded the motion. Discussion about the date ensued. The motion was not called to a vote.
Terry moved to pay all bills as presented. Marcia Raponi seconded. Discussion followed on the size of the bill from our accountant. It was higher than expected so we paid the projected amount and will request documentation for the remainder. It passed unanimously.
Committee Reports
Policy Report
Stephen Hoefer from RCLS advised the committee on specific areas, and many of his suggestions were taken under consideration. This report draft, presented to the board was discussed and questioned by the full board.
Policy Committee Report
This report will be discussed further at the July meeting.
Helen Budrock and Jill Weyer gave another presentation. After discussion of the grants & Hinchey grant of $10,000 for streetscape, we discussed matching the Hinchey grant and contributing $1,250 to the Sullivan Renaissance Technical Assistance Grant. Motion made by Steve Sharoff and seconded by Marcia Raponi. Passed unanimously.
At 6:40 p.m. the Board entered Executive Session to discuss matters of personnel.
The board re-entered public session at 6:55 p.m.
Personnel Committee
A recommendation was made by Terry to accept the proposal of the personnel committee and seconded by Marcia. It also passed.
The Director’s Report
See Mary.Paige’s Director’s Report.
The roof has been taken care of.
Mary Paige will be sending the community survey draft. Board members are expected to read it and send comments to her.
The Friends will be at the Rock Hill Run. Their next book sale will be in July.
Marcia moved to pass a resolution to send monies to DASNY to cover expenses as needed from the capital fund for the library construction grant. Steven seconded the motion which passed.
Talks are ongoing about the dates for voting for the budget, elections of trustees, and the grand opening of the new Library. Friends of the Library will be preparing a journal for this special event.
Having no further business, Steve moved to close the meeting with Sari at the second at 8:01 p.m.