Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library

Trustee Meeting Minutes – DRAFT

May 21, 2015


The May 21 meeting was called to order at 6:05 by President Lynn Skolnick. The members present included Lynn Skolnick, Marcia Raponi, Terry Epstein, Connie Keller, Sari Rosenheck.  Absent:  Steve Sharoff and Marvin Rappaport.

Sari made a motion to accept the minutes of our April meeting and Marcia seconded.  Having no discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

Marcia moved to pay all bills presented and Terry seconded the motion. A discussion about the unusually high village water bill ensued.  It was paid but is being questioned. Silverman Plumbing has come in to check our building. Having no further discussion, the motion was voted upon and carried unanimously.

Committee Reports

The Policy Committee met to set up the community room policy.  They will meet again on June 8, 2015 for further discussion.

The Personnel Committee will now include Sari Rosenheck.  They will meet on June 18 at 4:45 before the regularly scheduled June meeting.

Directors Report

(see included Director’s report)

Mary Paige said that the Friends of the Library have agreed to accept donations toward the repair of the Mickey Mouse clock on behalf of the Buckstats, who are spearheading its restoration.  The clock will be placed in the park overlooking Broadway at the new building.

We looked at the library logos created by Brenda Sywalski’s graphic design class at Monti. High.  Three have been selected and a discussion followed the presentation.

New Business

Jill Weyer, Travis North, and Helen Budrock, members of the Outdoor Placemaking Committee, showed us several versions of the proposed landscaping and walkway plans for the new library.  We discussed the reasons behind our preferences and they will return with some fine tuning for the plans and the ways in which we can stage the completion.

Having no further business the meeting adjourned. Our next meeting was scheduled for June 18 at 6 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Epstein