Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes April 20, 2017
Approved May 18, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Lynn Skolnick. Members present: Sari Rosenheck, Marvin Rappaport, Marcia Raponi, Connie Keller and Chris Cavello. Absent: Steve Sharoff.
Lynn called for a motion to approve the minutes of March 17, 2017. Marcia moved to accept the minutes as presented. Marvin seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Theresa Cassidy (retiree) sent a Thank You (February, 2017); Helen Rados/James Goldfarb sent a thank you for being honored as 2016 Friends of the year last October (November, 2016)
Discussion re: getting thank you note cards with a picture of the library and the library logo.
Voucher Approval
Sari made a motion to approve vouchers—checks matched invoices. Connie seconded motion. Approved unanimously
Bills to be Paid
Connie moved, Marcia seconded. Motion carried to pay bills. Dinasour Rock Program canceled, no check issued.
Committee Reports (see director’s report)
· Landscaping
o Trifold flyer a work in progress; Friends reviewed
§ MP suggested getting rid of symbols as option on pavers
§ PayPal “Help Pave the Way” button will be linked to form for donations
§ 501(c)3 for donations needs to be included in brochure and on the website
· Programming Committee
o Johnny Ciao is interested in doing another program; discussed the cost. MP will reply to his email inquiry.
o Nancy Wegren from MHS Music Dept. – can do a program soon? Connie will contact
o Franklin Trapp from the Forestburgh Playhouse – can they do a preview of the Cabarets – possibly here on a summer Monday?
o Thursday, 7/13 Tony Nappo is doing a program on Vladimer Putin/Russia. Lynn to get details for PR.
o 5/16 Rotary ‘Nite Out’ – Music program – Famous Fiddler
o John Conway and Barry Lewis will be contacted
o Programming Committee scheduled regular meetings for the last Wed of the Month at 1pm. Next meeting 4/26/17
· Director’s Report
o Legislative Brunch maybe in Oct. (vs May, as has usually been the case)
o 3 historical panels re: Monticello – discussing with CCE – possibly for the outdoor space?
o Electric charging station for electric cars in our parking lot. Was discussed and tabled. May be eligible for County & Library Construction Grant funding?
· Policies
o Patron Conduct
§ *as per Draft of 4/20 – to use “minimum of 30 feet” language. To add ‘No Smoking’ Signs
§ Lynn moved to accept updates to existing ‘Patron Conduct’ policy presented after review by Counsel. Connie seconded. Motion passed. MP will ask M. Newberg about adding “except for library purposes” language.
· Old Business
o Punch List
§ As per Counsel (Lynn read email from M. Newberg), DASNY is responsible re: unfinished items and must “provide quality assurance inspection, as DASNY bears responsibility for work issues
· M. Newberg offered to assist MP in drafting a notice to DASNY
o Capital Fund – considering using to offset future Tax Levies.
· Landscaping
o Bid selection approval for Phase 2 Gateway
§ Motion by Sari for award to go to lowest responsible bidder: Mountain Valley Landscaping. Connie seconded; passed unanimously. $140,000 base bid plus Add Alt 1, 2 & 3; landscape architect to discuss better number for #2. The Library may decide to proceed with #4; waiting on receipt of notification on the DEC grant.
· Credit Card/Payroll Account
o Municipal Credit Card
§ The Board approved issuing one library credit card to 3 staff members. Includes $2,000 per month overall limit and limits by individual. Policy for its use before it is used by anyone to be brought to the board for approval.
· Payroll Account
o The Board moved to establish an additional bank account at CHB - a Payroll Account - for the purpose of Paychex to administer biweekly payroll. It will include an automatic biweekly transfer of funds from the operating account to the new payroll account. MP will bring the necessary paperwork (signature cards) to the next board meeting. Sari motioned, Connie seconded; motion approved unanimously.
· Motion to adjourn by Marcia, seconded by Marvin at 7:55pm.
Next Meeting 5/18 @6pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sari Rosenheck