Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library

Trustee Meeting Minutes - April 21, 2016

Approved May 19, 2016


The meeting was called to order at 4:05 by President Lynn Skolnick.  Members present included Marvin Rappaport, Steve Sharoff and Connie Keller.  Christine Cavello arrived a little later.   Not in Attendance:  Marcia Raponi.  Sari Rosenheck participated in part of the meeting by phone.  Library Director Mary Paige Lang-Clouse was also in attendance.  


Motion to approve March meeting minutes by Marvin, seconded by Steve. Motion passed.


Lynn read a letter from Nino Nannarone.


No public comment.


Motion to approve the monthly bills made by Steven, seconded by Connie.  Motion approved.


Committee Reports:

Policy Committee discussed Accrued Sick Time and Buy-out of staff health plan who have other coverage (must be shown).


Program Committee:

Has begun to secure speakers and programs for the summer series on Thursday evenings. Half dozen have been confirmed with a like amount still to be confirmed. Staff member to be invited to join this committee.


Ethelbert Tribute and Landscaping Ad Hoc Committees to meet soon.


Old Business:

Old building closing postponed to May 30.

Staff person being certified to become Notary Public.

Paranormal program was well attended. Will try to schedule another.

Purchasing a fax/copier/scanner from Kristt-Kelly after comparing pricing.

Social Media Policy still being developed. New IT person to be hired shortly.

Parking Lot Lighting-- higher wattage bulbs being considered as well as extra lights.

Mickey Mouse Clock installed.

Evacuation chair for emergency evacuation without elevator being ordered.  Checking various models.

Construction grant being examined for several items including, wiring and additional phones, etc.

Bylaws to be considered at next monthly meeting.

RCLS Trustee Training was held April 20 at EBCPL. Well attended and highly informative.


New Business

Legislative Brunch, Thursday, May 19 at 11 am.  All trustees encouraged to attend.

We are actively looking for a handyman to do odd jobs around the facility.

Marvin will look into framing and display of photo of Robert D.Norris outside the RDN Community Room. Also framing a photo of ribbon cutting ceremony for putting up.

Motion to adjourn at 5:42 pm made by Connie, seconded by Marvin.  Motion passed.


Respectfully submitted by Marvin Rappaport on behalf of Secretary Sari Rosenheck.