Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes – April 16, 2015
APPROVED May 21, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by President Lynn Skolnick. Members present included Lynn Skolnick, Marcia Raponi, Sari Rosenheck, Steven Sharoff, Terry Epstein, and Marvin Rappaport. Connie Keller was not present.
Marcia moved to accept the minutes from the March 25 meeting. Steven seconded. There was no discussion and the motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment
Robert Hubsher was in attendance with advice for us as concerns the new library. Robert advised us to first allow the public the use of the parking lot which will be completed before the new library. This will build good will, and the public capital will be a positive benefit for the library.
He advised us to pack our own books. Mary Paige informed him that we will be using a moving company that specializes in library moves. It needs to be done in an organized way to minimize the handling of the books. Since the shelving will be there, we will have a good amount of time to think it through so that we are organized.
Patrons may use other system libraries to do pick-ups and deliveries. Timing is critical. Fines will be suspended during that time.
We will be eligible for an E-Rate rebate from June 1 2015 – June 30 2016 so again, the timing is important.
We need to have someone in place to be in charge of the move in order to expedite things. It ideally would be a staff member or friend with superb organizational skills. Some names were brought up as possible people to approach. The move could take anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months.
It was suggested to take the screen and AV materials away from the contractor so that trained AV people are doing this important work. State monies are available and we need to seek out our representatives to encourage their support in this endeavor.
The library must be careful in sponsoring programs – public programs must be open to the public. Our policy regarding the community room must meet the needs of our community. NYLTO has templates that are useful to public libraries. It asks us questions that will lead us to face the “whys” of our policies. Time, manner, and place are the things that always need to be included in policies.
Voucher Approval
The bills to be paid were audited by Lynn. Terry made a motion to pay all bills as presented. Sari seconded and having no discussion, it was passed unanimously.
M.P. subtracted $35 from Montello’s fuel oil bill because they never took care of a problem Silverman did.
Marvin questioned the inspection fees. Mary Paige will keep track of the hours so that we will know just who has to pay inspection fees to whom.
Director’s Report
See the director’s report - attached.
The SASD are looking for a letter of support. Steve moved to have Mary Paige write this pending Village approval to partner on the Microgrid Project being proposed. Sari seconded.
The Friends of the Library are planning a “Sneak Peak” event for supporters of the library, local village and town officials, along with our state representatives to the assembly and senate. The Legislative Brunch is scheduled for May 21.
Having no further business, the meeting was ended at 7:50
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Epstein