Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes March 16th, 2017
Approved April 20, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm by President Lynn Skolnick (via Skype). Members present included Sari Rosenheck, Marvin Rappaport, Marcia Raponi and Chris Cavello. Absent were Steve Sharoff and Connie Keller. Cheryl Jones (new hire) sat in for welcome!
Lynn called for a motion to approve the minutes of February 16th. Marcia moved to accept the minutes as presented. Christine seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Marvin moved to approve vouchers NUNC PRO TUNC, Marcia seconded to approve Bills to be Paid; all voted in favor.
· Committee Reports (see director’s report)
o Correspondence
§ CCAP Grant funds were received!
· Funds deposited into the Capital Account
· Landscaping
o Trifold fundraising flyer - a work in progress
o Prevailing wage
§ Identified as a government entity
§ Decision to be made on availability of images on pavers; 2 different sized pavers
· Probable costs of pavers: estimated $29,374 with installation
· Director’s Report
o Cheryl is doing a great job!
§ Her work on the Newsletter was very well received.
o Lynn pleased with format that Danielle used with different colors for monthly statistics report.
o Letter to hire PT clerk ready
§ When Peggy E. retires & goes part-time we will hire a part-time clerk
o Hope to find a Spanish-speaking candidate
o MP was on the radio with John Greenbaum from Rotary promoting the upcoming landscaping project
o The 2 Larger paintings have been restored; to be framed
o Goals
§ Program Evaluation data entered; needs to be evaluated
§ Policy for hanging local artists artwork in the community room needed
· Building and Grounds
o Stairs and Berm – awaiting news on the proposed stairs betw. Parking lots & their installation. To share plans with Marvin Newberg re: maintenance and liability TBA
o Punch List same as last month. After next attempt we will take the unresolved issues to our lawyer.
Some of the issues: roof leak in children’s program room – the pitch not steep enough, 1/8’ instead of a ¼’; roofer won’t charge us.
MP looking into a swinging door of some kind at the circulation desk.
Vestibule should be done after snow issues next week.
For brochure - Danielle’s idea of pathway in front window
Cheryl will set up the PayPal account with the Friends to accept friends memberships and donations toward pavers and benches for landscaping fundraising getting underway.
Walter Fedun (electrician) never received our check for payment for repair work in the vestibule that was mailed to him. To place stop payment $30.
Need to set up a payroll bank account this Spring to work with the new Paychex payroll system. An auto transfer will be set up to move the funds for payroll from the operating account into the payroll account biweekly.
CCAP received. Lynn to do Thank You to Aileen Gunther
Old Business
Bedik is setting up the 2nd DVR, initially with 6 of 16 cameras. Board approved deposit for this work. Sari made the motion, Marvin seconded; it passed unanimously.
o Some kind of camera to be placed in the elevator
Discussion of hiring a full-time custodian/fix-it person
Currently approximately $10,000 paid for custodial service twice weekly
Looking to hire someone that could also serve in a security capacity
· New Business
o Programming Committee
§ Recording library programs
· Budget
o Already used:
§ 68% Disability insurance
§ 18% Unemployment
§ 25% Adult Programs
§ 36% Postage/Freight
§ 15% Vestibule Repairs
§ 25% E-Books
$147,000 Construction Account - not closed out yet. Lynn asked about its use to pay down the debt service.
From the RCLS Weekly Memo – Lynn Skolnick – observations:
‘Innovations in Libraries’ Grant to be looked into
· $1,000 per month for staff to be creative
Local History Round Table money available for projects
Board Room for Local History
History Room should have its own committee—Marcia
Resolution to approve Landscape Plans/Expenditures – motion made by Lynn
Landscape architects’ revised plans/Expenditures were presented with probable cost of $173,000
Send Haas Landscape Architect a copy of the brochure for accuracy & to confirm prices
Marcia motion to approve, Marvin 2nd , the Phase 2 plans and costs. Approved unanimously.
Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:07PM until our next meeting on 4/20/17 at 6p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sari Rosenheck