Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes - March 17, 2016
Approved April 21, 2016
Present: Lynn Skolnick (remotely), Connie Keller, Marvin Rappaport, Christine Cavello, Marcia Raponi, Steve Sharoff, Director- Mary Paige Lang-Clouse
Absent: Sari Rosenheck
Meeting called to order at 6:12pm by Pres. Lynn Skolnick
Motion to approve 2/18/16 meeting minutes by Connie; second by Steve. Motion carried.
Vouchers audited by Marvin.
Motion to approve bills paid Marvin; second by Marcia. Motion carried.
Committee Reports:
Programming Committee: Program committee met, discussed suggestions for programs. Marvin will email committee ideas to all board members. Program committee will schedule a meeting, narrow the focus and assign tasks to move on programs by next meeting
Policy Committee: meeting for 3/14/16 was cancelled. Next meeting will be rescheduled soon. Sick time accrual and health insurance buyout to be discussed.
Special Committees:
Ethelbert Panel – Lynn and Marcia. Christine volunteered to join.
Landscaping – Connie, Marcia, Lynn
Building & Grounds – will remain a separate committee at this time; Steve, Christine, Marcia. Committee will follow-up on parking lot lighting. NYSEG contacted by MP to change light bulbs on Prince St. Could take 6 – 8 wks.
Budget & Finance – Steve, Lynn, Marcia?
Director’s Report – See attached. Ear buds and flash drives are being sold at cost to patrons wanting them. Steve volunteered to purchase/donate flash drives to library. Discussion held on some neighboring business employees abusing use of the library parking lot. MP has asked the Village Police when/if they monitor the 2 hour parking posted on Broadway. There was difficulty with inside gate after art show. New keyswere purchased from locksmith, Charlie Dill.
Discussion on secure website. MP will post part time position for IT person. One aspect of this position will be to increase digital library programs.
Tax assistance going well, two more sessions.
Need to review bylaws. This will begin in April. Copies of bylaws will be available to each board member. We will review one section each month. Please be prepared to discuss at board meeting.
Discussion on the importance of the RCLS Annual Report.
Motion to accept Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library Annual Report by Marcia, second Steve. Motion carried.
Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, section 90.3, requires that all libraries which are members of a library system provide “free direct access” to library patrons of any RCLS member library. “Free direct access” refers to the ability of a library patron with an active library card from any RCLS member library to use that card to borrow materials from any other RCLS member library. Motion to accept 2017 – 2021 RCLS Direct Access Report by Steve, second Connie. Motion carried.
Trustee Workshop will be held on April 20 at our library 6–8pm, dinner at 5:30pm. Please make every effort to attend.
Marvin moved to adjourn at 7:35pm. Connie second. Next meeting April 21, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. On May 19th legislative brunch 11am, library board meeting at 6pm.
Respectfully submitted, Marcia Raponi for Sari Rosenheck