Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library

Trustee Meeting Minutes – March 25, 2015

Approved - April 16, 2015

The meeting was called to order at the office of our attorney, Marvin Newberg, at 6:05 p.m. by Vice-president, Marcia Raponi.  Members present included Marcia Raponi, Terry Epstein, Sari Rosenheck, Steve Sharoff, and Mary Paige.  Marvin Rappaport listened in on a portion of the meeting by phone but was not counted in attendance.

            At 6:15 Terry moved to go into executive session regarding matters of contract.  It was seconded by Steven Sharoff.  At 6:34, Steven made a motion to return to our monthly session. It was seconded by Marcia and passed.  The Board re-entered regular session.

            Steve Sharoff moved to accept the bid on the old library property submitted by the purchaser.  Sari Rosenheck seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

            Steven made a motion to accept the minutes of the February meeting as submitted. Sari seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

            Marcia moved to pay all bills presented and audited.  Steven seconded.

            There were no committee reports.

            Directors Report (attach Mary-Paige’s report)

·        Chelsea, who is bi-lingual, just started. This will benefit or community.

·        A question was raised about where we stand with our contingency fund.

·        We are looking at proposals for self-check and RFID.

·        We will be networked with RCLS.

·        Robert Hubsher has been invited to attend the April meeting.

·        The landscaping group will meet with us in May.

Steven put forth the following resolution to approve the 2014 NYS Annual Report:

The Library operated under its plan of service in accordance with the provisions of Education Law and the Regulations of the Commissioner, and assures that the 2014 Annual Report was reviewed and accepted by the Board.  The motion passed unanimously.

The next meeting is April 16 at 6 pm. 

We need someone to step up and write a piece for the next newsletter (due out June 1).

Having no further business, Terry moved to adjourn at 7:25. Seconded by Marcia and carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Epstein