Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes - February 16, 2017
Approved March 16, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 5:08pm by President Lynn Skolnick who remoted in. Members present included Connie Keller, Sari Rosenheck, Marcia Raponi, Steve Sharoff, Mary Paige and Chris Cavello. Chris and Steve arrived late. Marvin Rappaport was absent.
Lynn called for a motion to approve the minutes of December and January. A motion was made to approve December’s minutes by Connie and seconded by Sari. A motion was made to approve January’s minutes by Sari and was seconded by Marcia. A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Correspondence was presented by Sari. Thank you notes were received from Joanna and Theresa regarding their retirement party.
Marcia moved to approve vouchers. Sari seconded. Sari moved to approve Bills to be Paid, Christine seconded. Bills to be paid hadn’t been emailed out to everyone pre-meeting due to glitches with using the new QuickBooks software. They will be scanned & sent to all trustees via email post-meeting. All in physical attendance voted; passed unanimously.
Discussion regarding having program presenters offered an invoice to use as a tax deduction instead of /along with honorarium from the library for programs.
- Committee Reports (see Director’s Report)
Director’s Report
We have mobile printing capability now for patrons (for usual printing fee).
CCAP docs were received for final submission for reimbursement
Mary Paige & Sari will go to a Rotary Mting to discuss new Rotary Nite Out date
Kiosk discussion including bulletin board and Solar Panel charging stations
$15,000 for Archway (1) & Piers (2), we are seeking to raise $50,000.
Replacing 3 staff, Joanna helped interview her replacement
Motion to approve new hires made by Marcia, seconded by Connie. Approved unanimously.
Restored paintings should be done before next meeting
Art installation –Laurie Kilgore & Brenda Sywalski
Conflict of Interest policy not ready yet, need additional language
Automatic door-opening buttons that were moved; remaining holes not yet covered over (see Directors report)
Lawyer letter needed to insist on list of things to address –punch list (due to lack of proper insulation, spray foam recommended to keep entranceway properly heated
Fundraising Brochure should be included in Newsletter
Budget vote date set: Thursday, 10/12/17
BYLAWS two sentences need to be removed, revisions approved by motion by Steve, seconded by Sari
Mary Paige looking into closing out Construction fund (DASNY wants us to close out)
Programming Committee
NOTE! During January, 400 people used wifi on Sundays
Tonight was the Underground Railroad of NY presentation. Very well attended.
Discussed having a Blood Drive, Babysitter Certification (BOCES or the Child Care Council needs to be contacted, as the Red Cross was too costly)
Other possible programs include Gordan McAdam (travel how-to), Paula Amaditz (selling on E-Bay)
Next Programming Committee meeting is 2/21/17 @ 1:30
Marcia asked Board members to sign up for committees
Mary Paige—we will be selling pavers $75 & $150. Info will be on the website.
Construction documents in. Marcia made a motion to accept Haas Landscaping Contract with add-ons for project add-ons. Sari seconded. Approved unanimously
Mary Paige will pursue gate to staff area and outdoor cameras/lights
Motion: Made by Marcia to Approve the Annual Report to NYS that stated: The Library operated under its plan of service in accordance with the provisions of Education Law and the Regulations of the Commissioner, and assures that the 2016 Annual Report was reviewed and accepted by the Board. Seconded by Steve; passed unanimously.
Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:25PM until our next meeting on March 16, 2017 at 6p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sari Rosenheck