Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes – APPROVED March 25, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 19, 2015, by President Lyn Skolnick via Skype. Members present included Lynn, Marcia Raponi, Terry Epstein, and Marvin Rappaport.
Marvin moved to accept the minutes of January 15 as presented. Marcia seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Terry Epstein moved to pay all bills presented which were audited by Marvin. Marcia seconded and it passed unanimously.
The policy committee met and presented a conflict of interest policy. All board members will sign the document that states we have read and understand the policy. Terry made a motion to adopt the policy as presented. Marvin seconded. Discussion followed noting that circumstances might require change or an addition in the future. Members were unanimous in favor of the adoption.
Mary Paige’s Report.
We have had problems with the new fuel company. Because of the reduced costs, we will persevere.
Peggy and Mary Paige went on a visit to BOCES. They feel the need to keep current on what’s happening around us. New programs will be offered in Spanish.
Joanna and Mary Paige met with our new neighbors to invite them to the two programs we are holding about the new building.
There was a construction meeting at the trailer on the new site. There are a few issues that were had and Mary Paige discussed them with us. She will follow through with an e-mail to Jim.
Mary Paige will be contacting the family of Ethelbert B. Crawford to discuss some of the furniture and paintings.
She also talked with Gene Kelly of Kristt Office Supplies in order for us to deal with local vendors. MP is also in touch with Aileen Gunther for the new round of available grants.
There is one more buy-back to take care of and that is the ceiling in the community room.
Strategic Plan
The last page items were discussed. Mary Paige will discuss them with Joanne with whom she will work to implement the plan.
The list of committees and their members will be sent out to the members of the board.
Having no further business, Marvin moved to end the meeting at 7:30. Our next meeting will be held on March 19, at 6 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry M. Epstein