Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting December 21, 2017
Approved January 18, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 5:15pm by President Lynn Skolnick. Members present included Connie Keller, Sari Rosenheck, Steve Sharoff, Marcia Raponi and Chris Cavello. Marvin Rappaport was absent.
Lynn called for a motion to approve the minutes of November 16th, 2017. Connie moved to accept the minutes as presented. Marcia seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Christine moved to approve vouchers, Steve seconded. Marcia moved to approve Bills to be Paid, Christine seconded. All passed unanimously.
Committee Reports (see director’s report)
o Programming
January events include
1/4/18 Raw Foods
1/11/18 College Counseling
1/18/18 John Conway regarding Martin Luther King
1/25/18 & 2/1/18 Debbie Yagel about Entrepreneurship
o Building and Grounds
“Book” Arch at Broadway entrance does not meet our expectations; several parts do not look professionally done
Possibility that we will change the fencing that now serves as a backdrop to Vera’s Story Garden at a later date, moving those sections to the south end of the parking lot
Discussion of where things are at with DASNY & remaining outstanding issues.
Trustees approve payment #5 for MVL pending approval from Landscape Architect in consultation with Mary Paige. Steve motioned, Christine seconded. Motion passed unanimously
Motion to accept lower bid of GAAP Audit from Cooper Arias made by Steve, seconded by Connie. All in favor.
o Policies
Code of Conduct. Need to also post outside of Library; will revisit in the Spring. May need to revisit this policy again in the future. Steve made a motion to accept, Christine seconded, approved unanimously.
Development of an Exhibit and a Privacy & Confidentiality policy are underway
Patron personal info may not be given to police without subpoena.
Mary Paige will send trustees further info on the development of these policies.
Recommendations of Policy committee related to the Exhibit Policy:
- Exhibiters who sell their work will give Library a % of proceeds.
Question: will artist monies go to Library or to the Friends?
- No Liquor
Discussion of the development of a policy/procedure for handling inquiries related to donated items/plaques.
Old Business
Motion to accept lower bid for completing the 2017 GAAP Audit from Cooper Arias made by Steve, seconded by Connie. Approved unanimously.
Motion to approve decreasing the biweekly payroll transfer amount to $10,000 made by Marcia, Christine seconded. Passed unanimously.
New Business
Approve end-of-year budget transfers. Tabled to January meeting.
Security - Tom O’Connor – lives locally & runs a security company. Retired Village police officer; broad law enforcement background.
Board Portal
- Trustees to have a log in for:
o Calendars
o Meeting info
o Committee info
o Documents
o Contact info
o Voucher, Bill and Friends meeting schedules for Trustees
2018 Holiday - Sari made motion to approve, Connie seconded. Passed unanimously.
Library stats are up; everyone is pleased with the numbers
January staff meeting will close a little longer for staff to have lunch together to kick off the New Year
Marcia made the motion to adjourn, Connie seconded. Passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7pm.
Next Meeting: Thursday, January 18th at 5:15 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Sari Rosenheck