Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes - November 17, 2016
Approved December 15, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 6:10pm by President Lynn Skolnick. Members present included Connie Keller, Sari Rosenheck, and Chris Cavello.
Lynn called for a motion to approve the minutes of October 20th. Christine moved to accept the minutes as presented. Connie seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed unanimously.
Sari moved to approve vouchers, Connie seconded. Connie moved to approved Bills to be paid, Connie seconded. All passed unanimously.
- Committee Reports (see director’s report)
- Landscaping
- Marcia and Lynn attended the last Friends Meeting. The Friends will help with Fundraising Mary Mancuso & Resa Wallach. Amounts for donations will be assigned.
- Architectmeeting tomorrow (Fri 11/18)
- Archway and seating with trees
- Garden
- The mosaic chair is phenomenal! 12/3 is the unveiling. It is lighter than expected and needs a drainage mechanism.
- Building and Grounds
- Parking lot is still too dark. Mary Paige will pursue.
- Strategic Plan
- Bylaws with Lynn were tabled for next meeting.
- Hiring
- Civil Service
- Job Description
- Civil Service list
- Job requirements
- Come out during interview
- Must be physically able to do the job
- Civil Service
- The Ethelbert B. Crawford family was very happy with the anniversary night & panel unveiling, and donated $1,000!
- No update on mismatched hardware on stair handrail
- Manuals, if anyone needs them, are on the lower shelves behind the desk
- Accountants
- Old software to QuickBooks
- Email Blasts out early and morning of events going well
- Connie helping with paid PR with Mary Paige
- Continuing investigation of:
- 2nd DVR
- Panic Button
- Additional lighting
- Additional video cameras for outside
- 2nd camera for Kids Room
- Old Business
- 11/30 Strategic Planning meeting to start at 1:30
- Programming meeting at 2:30
- StoryCorps Interviews - Cloud allows for 4 interviews, we won’t lose data.
- Can add more with additional money
- Need contact info from Marvin for Mary Paige
- 4-5 Additional Interviews, Marvin will do PR
- New Business
- Connor will offer tech support
- Tues 10-2
- Wed 4-7
- One on one instructional sessions
- Rosetta Stone
- Borrowing digital books on personal devices
- Joanna
- Story time and Aname turn out up!
- Connor will offer tech support
- Holiday presents for Staff from Trustees
- Christine will handle through Amazon Smile
- 8 Full Time
- 3 Part Time
- Christine will handle through Amazon Smile
- Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:36PM until our next meeting on Dec 15th, at 6:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sari Rosenheck