Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes
October 19, 2017 – Approved November 16, 2017
New Time: 5:15 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 5:29 pm by Vice President Marcia Raponi. Other members present included Christine Cavello, Connie Keller, and Marvin Rappaport. Absent were Sari Rosenheck, Steve Sharoff and Lynn Skolnick.
Marcia called for a motion to approve the minutes of September 14, 2017. Connie moved to accept the minutes as presented, Christine seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Marvin moved to approve the vouchers for bills to be paid and moved to pay all bills presented. Marcia seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. On a motion by Connie and second by Christine, Board also approved an additional bill for Mountain Valley Landscaping in an amount yet to be approved by Haas Landscape Architect principal Michael Haas.
No public comment.
Correspondence: Note from Mark Feldman with a donation for the Minnie Feldman Memorial Lecture on November 2 by John Conway.
Committee Reports (see also Director’s Report)
Policy Committee did not meet this month.
Program Committee see list of upcoming programs attached. There will be several (12) sessions co-sponsored by the Village of Monticello & Legal Services of the Hudson Valley on Foreclosure Counseling and how to deal with what are known as “Zombie Houses.”
Landscaping Committee reported on updates to Phase Two project.
Building and Grounds Committee submitted a written report (attached).
Director’s Report was submitted in writing and Mary Paige also updated the board on various issues with the building.
For National ‘Friends of the Library Week’ the Board presented Karen Crumley with our 2017 Friend of the Year Award that includes adding her name to the plaque that hangs in the library. There was a nice gathering of Friends and their families on hand October 17th for the reception & presentation.
Old Business
The Library budget passed by a vote of 89-24. Trustees Marcia Raponi and Sari Rosenheck were re-elected.
One more organization visit re library Phase Two and donor opportunities. Marvin will visit the Monticello Elks Thursday, December 7th at 7 pm.
New Business
Plans are underway for a November 4 Public Dedication of Phase Two. There will be a program, refreshments, and recognition of many donors. Program starts at 11 am.
An agreement was approved between RCLS and each respective library for ANSER, Automated Network Services, encompassing charges for technology, computer services, etc. being supplied by RCLS. Motion made by Marvin and seconded by Marcia. Motion carried.
The RCLS budget is supposed to be voted on by each member library of RCLS. Connie moved and Christine seconded the motion to approve the RCLS 2018 budget. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn at 7:04 pm by Marvin, seconded by Marcia and passed.
Next meeting: Thursday, 11/16/16 at 5:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Marvin Rappaport