Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes - January 21, 2016
Approved February 18, 2016
Meeting called to order 6:12pm by VP Marcia Raponi
In attendance: Marvin Rappaport, Marcia Raponi, Connie Keller, Sari Rosenheck, Christine Cavello and Director Mary Paige Lang-Clouse. Absent: Lynn Skolnick and Steve Sharoff.
Marvin moved, Connie seconded to accept slate of officers:
President Lynn Skolnick
Vice President Marcia Raponi
Treasurer Steve Sharoff
Secretary Sari Rosenheck
Marcia Raponi audited the Bills to be Paid
Marvin Rappaport moved, Connie Keller seconded appointment of:
Attorney Marvin Newburg
Accountant Bachrach, Waschitz and Waschitz, LLP
Newspaper Sullivan County Democrat
Unanimous vote for reorganizational meeting appointments.
Marvin noted our welcome to Christine.
Connie moved, Sari seconded to approve the minutes from 12/17/15, motion carried.
Health Insurance bill came day of meeting. Employee health insurance bill $3601.74.
Town of Bethel charge back owed $2568.84
Motion to approve payment of all bills presented made by Christine, second by Marvin. Motion carried.
Committees Connie moved to approve trustees serving on the following standing committees of the board, Marvin 2nd:
Program/PRCommittee Connie, Marvin, Sari
Policy Committee Marcia, Steve, Marvin
Personnel Committee Sari, Connie, Lynn
Building and Grounds Marcia, Christine, Steve
Strategic Planning Lynn, Christine, Marvin
Budget and Finance Steve, Lynn, Marcia
Details of closing of old building discussed. An officer of the board must be in attendance; have not heard from the buyer.
Connie moved to go into Executive Session for matters of personnel at 6:55 pm. 2nd by Marvin; motion carried. At 7:15 pm the board came out of Executive Session and moved to pay the correct 2016 per hour amount ($21.89), not the amount requested by Melanie Olson.
Discussion of trustees assisting Mary Paige (Steve research additional lighting for parking lot in consultation with Mary Paige – specifically near signage along parking lot entryway; Marvin will write an article re: StoryCorps workshop experience for March 1 Newsletter and also about the 1/20/16 Poetry Reading program).
Discussion on follow-up to December draft of ‘Meeting Room Use Policy’; how to address revised wording of such bearing in mind feedback from Robert Hubsher at RCLS..
Tax Help sessions in February - concerns re: confidentiality and printing tax returns
Bulletin Board policy to be sent to trustees.
Marvin moved to adjourn 7:50pm. Connie 2nd. Motion carried.
Next meeting February 18, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sari Rosenheck