Ethelbert B. Crawford Public Library
Trustee Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 15, 2015
The January 15 meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m. by President Lynn Skolnick.
Attendance: Marcia Raponi, Connie Keller, Sari Rosenheck, and Terry Epstein. Marvin Rappaport and Lynn Skolnick were attending via conference call. Jim Monroe from DASNY was also in attendance as was Mary Paige Lang-Clouse.
Election of Officers: For 2015. The slate presented was Lynn Skolnick, President, Marcia Raponi, Vice-President, Terry Epstein, Secretary, and Steven Sharoff, Treasurer. A vote was cast by the secretary to accept this slate of officers.
Approval of Minutes: Connie made a motion to approve the minutes of the Dec. 18 meeting. Marcia seconded the motion; it passed unanimously.
Approval of Bills to be Paid: Terry audited the bills to be paid this month. Connie Keller moved to pay all bills as presented. Sari Rosenheck seconded; the motion passed unanimously.
Jim Monroe will send us a corrected project status report. The one presented was not user-friendly.
Mary Paige handed out a list of change-orders for us to discuss, prioritize, and decide upon. Jim discussed the wood paneling proposed for specific walls in the new library. Without a sample we were unable to commit. He will arrange a trip to New Paltz so that we can view it first-hand.
Committees of the Library Board (standing & project-specific):
Personnel (standing): Connie, Marcia & Lynn
Policy (standing): Steve, Terry & Marcia
Strategic Plan (project): Lynn, Terry & Connie
Building & Construction (project): Steve, Connie (Joe)
Committee Reports:
Policy Committee: This committee is reviewing meeting room policies in order to find one that suits us. Mary Paige will send links to websites with policies to review. They will also draft a Conflict of Interest policy as that one is required.
Newly elected trustees are reminded that they must sign in at the Town of Thompson Town Hall on Route 42 every time they are elected.
Directors Report:
Mary Paige discussed her written report. The NYSOGS fuel oil contract faced a bumpy transition, but should work out in the long run.
ARRIS is trying to expedite the completion date. We’ll see how that goes. Lynn spoke with Miriam about the listing of our current library location on the Multiple Listing Service
Having no further business, Connie moved to adjourn. Terry seconded; passed unanimously. Next meeting: 2/19/15 at 6:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry M. Epstein, Secretary